New Features Most of the new features are covered under specific topics. More generally: • This editor is a standalone application and does not require HyperCard to run. It's larger than a stack, as it includes the HyperCard engine. The advantage is that HyperCard 2.2 is not required to use it. Since we're still operating in the HyperCard environment, I've added a stack compaction feature, also located on the Preferences card. • With version 1.1.2, a global list of URLs has been added to the Preferences card. This list is appended to the URL popUp menu, and can be used to easily create HyperText Links. This feature will be improved in upcoming versions. • With version 1.1.1, a number of new table and HTML entity conversion commands and a Replace command (including global replaces) have been added, all under the new Utility menu. • Undo HTML and Remove HTML commands (found under the Utility menu) are new as well. • Improvements to the Images and Create HyperText Link command dialogs. A URL PopUp Menu has been added, to simplify entering URLs (Uniform Resource Locators, the Internet "address") into your documents. Version 1.1.1 allows the URL list on the Preferences card to also be used in this capacity. • You can drag TEXT files onto an already running HTML.edit application and they will be imported into the editor. See Import Document for more information. • This version sports an Index card, with functions for saving and deleting multiple documents. • The Editor Window is now sizeable up to 640 by 640 pixels. Option-drag on the document (not window) zoom box to display a popUp menu of standard window sizes, or use the Scroll Window. • Each document is divided into a Header, Body, and Footer section. This is designed to help you create a more standardized interface for your projects, and also allows for documents larger than 30K characters. See Document Structure for more information. • This version allows a selection of text fonts and sizes, selected from the Preferences card. • Another new option is automatic display of the Tool Palette upon entering the Editor window. Command-T hides or shows the Tool Palette. •

paragraph codes are entered by typing Option-Return. This is an option set under Preferences. • This version attempts to follow CERN guidelines for HTML documents, unlike previous versions which wandered willy-nilly through code patterns like a skunk on acid. *cough* Back to Document Terminology, on to Sizing Windows, or return to Contents.